LASC is pleased to have the privilege of continuing our partnership with Food for the Poor. In 2021, we worked with Food for the Poor on four different projects in the regions of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Jamaica.
Community Transformation
American Nicaragua Foundation: Julio Velasquez Nicaragua Community Development Initiative – This is the third year of funding for this community development initiative focused on providing safe housing, water and sanitation, life skills trainings and access to micro-enterprise opportunities for 160 beneficiary families in the Julio Velásquez community in Somoto, Nicaragua.
Other Relief & Recovery Projects
American Nicaraguan Foundation: Grounds for Progress – Abundant Quality Coffee in Nicaragua – This project focuses on improving the economic stability of 800 small-scale coffee farmers in Nicaragua’s Dry Corridor by working to increase coffee yields through promotion of shade-grown coffee, climate-smart land, and water management and through the improvement of coffee quality through better post-harvest management for the development of a single-origin regional coffee.
American Nicaraguan Foundation: Matagalpa Nutritional Center Child Food Security Aid – This funding allowed the Matagalpa Nutritional Center to expand to twelve additional impoverished areas in the community of San Ramon and provide food preparation, cooking, child health, and nutrition workshops for parents/guardians, as well as the expansion of the chicken and pig animal husbandry and bio-intensive gardens.
CEPUDO & The Food and Agriculture Organization: Center for Productive Innovation and Water Technologies – This project funded the construction of the Center for Productive Innovation and Water Technologies (CIPTA) community center, homes for three residing maintenance professionals, a water system, and a workshop, as well as the initial supply of sheep, goats, rabbits, and poultry. CIPTA will provide low-income Honduran farmers with free quality agricultural education and training on best practices.
Food for the Poor Jamaica: Thatch Walk Farmers Irrigation Project – This project provided fifteen low-income farmers with the inputs, equipment, technical assistance, and training to produce hot peppers and their by-products.